Region 13's Annual Service Contracts

At Education Service Center Region 13, we offer annual service contracts (a.k.a. commitments) to school districts and charter schools. While these services encompass only a fraction of the customizable, multi-faceted services and support offered by Region 13, they do have a few things in common:

  • An intentional design to be implemented across the breadth of a school year.
  • The ability to bundle strategically with bulk discounts on select products.
  • A streamlined process making invoicing, payment, and even customized quotes a breeze.

Our service contracts are available year round, but are only offered through the product store in the Spring and through the summer of each year as LEAs plan and prepare for the upcoming school year. For information on a specific service contract, please explore our options in the services section of Region 13's main website, or simply contact the Product/Service team.